At Restoration Ministries, we give in obedience to God’s word concerning His tithes and offerings. By honoring God with what belongs to Him and by being generous, Restoration ministries is able to be used of God to make the mission of leading people into a life changing relationship with Jesus a reality.

“God loves a cheerful giver” May your giving be a continued reflection of your service and love to God.


Online: Online giving can be used to make one-time contributions or set up scheduled giving.




Cash App: $restorationwm


On Sunday: Place your gifts in an offering bucket during the service.


By mail: Please mail your contribution to:

Restoration Worldwide Ministries

P.O. BOX 742524

Dallas, Texas 75374  


Restoration Ministries is a registered 501(c)(3) non profit organization making all donations to Restoration Ministries tax-deductible. We make giving statement available to anyone who has contributed financially, using any of the methods described above.

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